Relationship Tips

Can you trust your partner after cheating?
If you choose to stay in the relationship, rebuilding trust takes time. It won’t happen overnight, and it requires effort from both people. Trust isn’t just about words—it’s about consistent actions that show honesty, accountability, and commitment.
Forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetting, and choosing to trust again doesn’t mean pretending the betrayal didn’t happen. Instead, it’s about seeing genuine change and deciding whether you feel safe enough to move forward.
Dealing with outside opinions
Family and friends might not agree with your decision, and that can be tough. They may see things differently or worry about you getting hurt again. While their support is valuable, only you truly know what feels right for your relationship. It’s okay to listen to advice, but don’t let outside opinions pressure you into making a choice that doesn’t align with what you want.
Trusting your partner again doesn't mean no consequences
Choosing to stay and work on the relationship doesn’t mean the cheating partner is off the hook. There must be accountability. It’s important to have open, honest conversations about what happened and what needs to change.
Rebuilding trust means setting clear expectations and boundaries. What does trust look like to you? What needs to happen for you to feel secure again? These discussions help create a foundation for a healthier relationship moving forward.
Communicating consequences
If trust is broken again, what happens? It’s important to communicate the consequences if your partner cheats again. This isn’t about making threats - it’s about being clear on your boundaries and self-worth.
Let your partner know what you need to feel safe and valued in the relationship. If they truly want to rebuild trust, they should be willing to respect your needs and put in the effort to repair the damage.
Finding support
Navigating trust after betrayal is challenging, and you don’t have to do it alone. Talking to a professional can help you process emotions, set boundaries, and decide what’s best for you.
For more help contact Sonya or simply arrange a confidential appointment through my book online page.

Relationship break-ups – who’s to blame?
When a relationship ends, it can bring a mix of emotions – sadness, anger, confusion, and even relief. There’s often a great sense of loss and uncertainty about the future. It’s natural to look for reasons why things didn’t work out, but sometimes, we fall into the trap of blaming either ourselves or our partner. And this can delay your own healing and ability to move forward.
The blame game – two common patterns
Blaming yourself
Some people take all the blame when a relationship ends. They go over every little detail, wondering what they did wrong or how they could have changed things. This kind of thinking can harm self-esteem and even lead to feelings of depression.
Self-blame can also cause people to withdraw from social interactions, lose confidence in future relationships, and struggle with moving forward. It’s important to recognise that no relationship breakdown is solely the fault of one person.
Blaming your ex
On the other hand, some people put all the blame on their ex. They replay moments in their head, convinced that if their partner had acted differently, the relationship would have survived. This can lead to anger, bitterness, and resentment, making it even harder to move on.
Blaming someone else entirely removes personal accountability and may prevent you from seeing valuable lessons that could help in future relationships. It can also prolong emotional pain and keep you stuck in a negative mindset.
How to move forward – letting go of blame
Breaking free from the blame game is an important step in healing. The truth is, most relationships end for a variety of reasons, and both people usually play a part in it. Instead of getting stuck in blame, try to shift your focus to learning and growing from the experience.
Learning from the relationship
Ask yourself:
- What did I learn about myself in this relationship?
- What worked well, and what didn’t?
- How can I approach future relationships differently?
- Are there patterns in my relationships that I need to change?
This kind of reflection encourages self-compassion and personal growth, making it easier to move forward with a healthier mindset.
Practising self-compassion
Instead of being harsh on yourself or holding onto anger, try treating yourself with kindness. Break-ups can be difficult, and it’s okay to grieve the loss. Be patient with your healing process and focus on activities that bring you peace and joy.
Seeking closure
Closure doesn’t always come from a final conversation with your ex. Sometimes, it comes from within - accepting what happened and allowing yourself to move forward without needing all the answers. Writing down your thoughts or talking to a trusted friend or counsellor can help process emotions and find clarity.
Finding support
Going through a break-up is tough, but you don’t have to navigate it alone. Talking to a professional can help you process your emotions and build a positive path forward
For more help contact Sonya or simply arrange a confidential appointment through my book online page.

Moving past infidelity
Three things that couples can do to move past the painful experience of infidelity.
Moving past infidelity can be a difficult journey for couples, but with commitment and effort, healing is possible. Here are three practical steps to help you through this challenging experience:
- Open and honest communication: Create a safe space for both partners to express their feelings, fears, and needs. It’s important to discuss what led to the infidelity and how each person feels about it. Listening actively without judgment and showing understanding can help rebuild trust.
- Set boundaries and rebuild trust: After an affair, clear boundaries are needed to restore a sense of security. Talk about what changes need to happen in the relationship to avoid future issues. This could include being more open, regular check-ins, or agreeing on limits about time spent apart or communicating with others.
- Get professional support: Seeing a therapist or counsellor can guide you through deeper conversations. A professional can help address underlying issues, suggest ways to cope, and help with forgiveness and moving forward.
Each couple's journey is different, so it's important to be patient and compassionate with each other as you work through this process.
For more help contact Sonya or simply arrange a confidential appointment through my book online page.

Stonewalling in a relationship
In this video, I talk about a common communication issue that is often used at one time or another – stonewalling.
Stonewalling is a coping strategy that usually happens during an important conversation, where one person becomes overwhelmed and unable to continue in the conversation. It may look like going silent, walking away, shutting down, and refusing to engage. This can lead to further conflicts as problems often go unresolved, leaving behind hurt and resentment in the other person.
To help resist stonewalling, in this video, I share a couple of tips. The first one is to ask your partner for a break, due to feeling overwhelmed. This allows some time out when things get too much. The second tip I share is to try practising staying present in the conversation as long as you can by keeping yourself calm. Taking some deep breaths may help. It is also important that if you need to take a break, you both agree to come back and finish your conversation to work towards a solution. Resisting stonewalling leads to better-flowing communication and allows for closer emotional connection in a relationship. I hope that helps. If you need further help in your relationship, you can book online with one of our couples counsellors.
If you need help with your relationship, please get in touch or go to my book online page.

What is your definition of infidelity or cheating?
In this video I share how these days, cheating can involve a variety of behaviours such as checking out other people, chatting online, keeping in touch with an ex and of course most of us would define infidelity as that secret romantic relationship of the sexual kind.
Often couples do not talk about what they see as cheating, which can end up causing a train wreck down the track, if for example, one partner discovers their partner has been chatting online and forming emotional connections.
Boundaries can be set early on in a relationship for what couples don’t feel comfortable with, but it’s never too late to have that important conversation. Couples need to be on the same page with this and respect how their partner defines what infidelity or cheating is. I hope that helps. Please book online for more help on this topic or other relationship issues.
If you need help with your relationship, please get in touch or go to my book online page.

How a couple turned their relationship around – by leaving the past in the past
In this video, I share how I recently helped a couple who were not sure if they would be able to continue in their marriage due to hurting one another with breaking of trust.
One week later they came back and it was like they were a completely different couple, they were smiling at one another instead of yelling. They were speaking kindly to and about one another. I asked them what the turning point for them was.
They said: “Sonya, if we did not decide to leave the past in the past, our future together would look very dim.”
So with that decision and commitment in the forefront of their mind, they began treating one another with respect, they went out together on a date, they were careful with their words. They did the little things that are important to keep a relationship going.
If you need help to turn your relationship around, please get in touch or go to my book online page.

Does your partner complain that you don't listen to them?
We are often distracted with household chores, watching TV or being on our screens, so therefore it is easy for one person in the relationship to feel like their partner is not interested in what they have to say.
A really simple way to prevent this from happening, is to simply drop or pause what you are doing when your partner begins to tell you something. Now I know that sounds a bit too simple, but what it does is show your partner that you are interested in what they have to say. This in turns helps them to feel valued and important. Once you begin doing this, it will become more of a habit and you will improve your listening skills, not just in your relationship but with other people as well.
I hope this helps. If you would like to make an appointment, go to my book online page.

Communication, Connection, Closeness
Communication, connection and closeness are so important in helping a relationship last the distance. When couples take the time to communicate with one another, it automatically helps them feel connected, because they feel like they are on the same page. When couples feel connected, they automatically feel closer, which helps facilitate intimacy at all levels; emotional, physical and sexual intimacy. When couples do not communicate well, they feel disconnected and eventually do not feel close anymore.
If you need help in your relationship to communicate better, so you feel more connected and closer, book online for an appointment.

Honesty breeds honesty
When someone is being honest with us, it helps us to be honest with them. This is exactly what happened to a friend of mine who was having a conversation with someone. He said that the person was being very open in sharing their feelings, which helped my friend to be open and more vulnerable in sharing his feelings. Honesty in a relationship helps build trust, intimacy and connection, because we know where we stand with someone. Honesty is a character trait that we can learn to be less afraid of, especially in our close relationships. I hope that helps.
If you need further help in your relationship, please book online for an appointment or send me an email.

Communication Patterns
Couples who argue a lot share with me how exhausting their relationship has become. They say that conversations easily escalate into arguments.
Often in a relationship, one person is the pursuer (a talker and more verbally expressive) and the other is the stonewaller (they go quiet during difficult conversations.) However, what can happen is the quieter one can feel overwhelmed by their partner needing to 'sort things out' by talking, and they become more frustrated and just like a volcano, they can suddenly explode! Talkers also become frustrated due to problems never being resolved and therefore are swept under the carpet.
This type of negative communication pattern can change. In this short video, I share how couples that find a new way to communicate can find new hope for the future, because all of a sudden, problems can be sorted out.
I hope that helps. Please book online for an appointment.

Building Trust
It does not mean however, that the relationship is over. There are a few things that can help rebuild trust:
- Commitment to the relationship going forward.
- Take it one day at a time.
- Understand it will take a while and lots of patience is needed.
- Talk with each other often, ask questions if needed but try not to dwell on the past.
- Trust is mostly a decision. It will take a while for your heart to catch up with your head.
For a safe space to discuss how you can move forward, I am here to support you both on your journey and you can book online for an appointment.

Build a strong friendship

Be curious, not furious

Love Languages

Staying together isn't easy and separating isn't easy

Communication tip for couples

Tip to improve intimacy

People Crave Validation

Tips for Couples in Lockdown
- It is important that both partners are aware of the higher level of stress that being in each other's spaces can cause, therefore it is also good to be aware and give each other space and time alone if needed.
- Lighten the environment at home with some humour. Watch a funny movie together, or share some funny stories. We all need a good laugh, even during stressful times, as it helps balance our negative emotions with some positive ones.
- Dream about the future. This may seem a futile activity given many dreams have been put on hold already during the COVID-19 outbreak. However, dreaming can help couples feel close and connected and also give them some hope for the future, once life goes back to the new normal again.

Resisting the temptation to bring up past hurts

When our partner won't share their feelings

Balancing out negatives and positives in our relationships

Tip for couples feeling disconnected

Emotional Security

Date nights
- Share a favourite dessert together when the kids are in bed.
- Curl up on the lounge together and watch a movie.
- Fish and chips at the beach.
- Chatting together while the kids are playing outside or at a park.
- Setting aside time daily to share your day and plan future goals.

Working on my own relationship
- Learning to laugh at one another as well as ourselves!
- Always plan to spend time together.
- If we hurt one another, say sorry and follow it up by a changed behaviour and attitude.
- Allowing challenges to draw us closer rather than further apart.

A simple phrase - communication tip

Bringing up past mistakes

Our partners aren't mind readers
We can often forget that our partners are not necessarily mind readers and they don't always pick up on what we are needing emotionally. This can lead to feeling frustrated and like they don't care about us.
If we are feeling stressed, sad, angry, upset and tired, but are not letting our partners know, how are they able to have the opportunity to console, comfort, or help us? What we tend to do instead is that we walk in the door, coming home from work for example, and go around the house huffing and puffing and projecting our emotions onto our partners, and perhaps even blowing up at the tiniest little comment they make.
Or we can do the opposite, where we disengage, disconnect and vege out in front of the TV or on our devices, all the while our partners thinking that we are either okay or we are ignoring them.
In this short video, I share some thoughts on how to let our partners know what we need emotionally.

Moving on after a relationship loss

Affection in a relationship

Building trust takes time

Burying your relationship

However, sometimes your partner will not always be able to provide the level of empathy that you need. So, what can you do about that? You can apply something called 'self-empathy'.
Self-empathy is about looking into your own life, having a non-judgmental attitude towards yourself, and applying understanding to your own situation. It is also about acknowledging that both your past and present experiences are valid and important. Self-empathy is a helpful skill to learn for everyday life in any situation you find yourself in.

The pain of rejection

Love in a healthy relationship can be expressed through being generous to one another
Did you know that research has shown that couples that practice generosity on a regular basis are generally much happier? That is because generosity is one of those values and qualities that releases feel-good chemicals into our brains, so both the giver and receiver win with the side effect being their level of happiness increasing.
So, it makes sense that if you want a happier relationship, start being more generous to one another. It's such a simple but powerful thing to do with wonderful long-term results!
Generosity is really about giving good things abundantly and freely. We can demonstrate generosity in our relationship through small acts of kindness, such as making our partner a cup of tea, allowing them to choose which TV program to watch, giving gifts of course and also being kind and generous with our words and time.
So what does love look like in a healthy relationship? Being generous to one another.
I hope that helps. If you need to reach out, please contact me by sending me a message or book online for an appointment.

What does love look like in a healthy relationship?
In a couples session recently, a lady mentioned that on this one occasion, when she was feeling unwell, she would have loved it if her partner took the initiative to buy her some medicine from the chemist as this would have shown her that he cared about her feeling unwell. She was quite upset at the fact that he did not take the initiate to find out how he could help her. It made her feel unloved.
As much as it is important to say you care, taking some action can really speak volumes. That's because it's often the little things we do for one another that show we care. When those closest to us do not show they care, especially in practical ways, it can lead to feelings of resentment and generally feeling unloved if it happens time and time again.
So, what does love look like in a healthy relationship?
Showing you care.
I hope that helps and for further help or to see me please book online for an appointment.

What does love look like in a healthy relationship?

What is the most important thing in a relationship?
one another in a kind way and speaking about one another in a kind way. I hope that helps and

What does respect look like in a healthy relationship?
Valuing one another's feelings and needs.
Listening and validating their feelings and needs sends the message we respect them and value them as a person, and that whatever is going on for them, we will stop, take notice and offer validation.

What does respect look like in a healthy relationship?
When couples come to see me, sometimes they complain about the fact that their partner thinks and behaves differently to them, yet these same differences are what attracted them to one another in the first place! Couples would do better to accept their differences, which will bring a sense of freedom and lightness to their relationship.